Don't Think Twice Poster
Lifestyle,  Mindset

Personal Thoughts on Don’t Think Twice

Drew and I decided to go on a spontaneous day date adventure to the movies and see Don’t Think Twice. The movie had such a big impact on me I want to give you my thoughts on it.

The movie is about a popular New York City Improv troupe, all best friends, who live, eat, and sleep improv. When one of their members gets a huge break, the group starts to fall apart. On the surface, that’s what the movie is about. However, it’s a lot more complicated than that.

I remember when I saw the trailer, something one of the characters said caught my attention,

“Your 20s are all about hope and then your 30s are all about realizing how dumb it was to hope.”

That one line was the hook that made me want to see the movie. I was curious to see how it would end. I’m a sucker for happy endings. It’s why I love romantic comedies so much. I also hate spoilers so I won’t spoil the ending for you either. But, I do recommend this movie if you’re in the mood for a laugh accompanied by a slap on the face by reality. Especially if you are an artist of any kind, you should see this movie.

For those of you who don’t know, Drew is a musician who is venturing into photography and I’m an actress who is venturing into the world of blogging. So as artists, this movie really hit home for us. I won’t talk for Drew, but I will tell you how I felt leaving the movie theater.

The movie was great! But I left the movie theater with a sense of sadness because the movie was a reminder of a reality that I, along with many of my friends, unfortunately know too well. Being an artist is hard. You study, you dream, you work hard on your craft, and you hope that someday hopefully sooner rather than later, it will all pay off.  Because there is no better way to live life than to get paid to do what you love. Unfortunately, it doesn’t pan out that way for everyone, and the movie was a reminder of that.

As artists we have dreams, and we hope that those dreams become a reality. At one point, we must decide if we will continue to hold on to hope or if the time has come to let go.

Honestly, there is no clear answer to that question. I’m a dreamer! Always have been and always will be, and I like to hold on to hope.

Peter Hall from Fandango said Don’t Think Twice is “a perfect movie about the cost of chasing dreams.”

I couldn’t agree more. The movie was a reminder of the sacrifices I’ve made and continue to make in order to hold on to hope.

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