Women drinking a wellness shake while on vacation
Self-Care,  Travels

Keep your Health & Wellness Routines while Traveling

The moment we book a vacation we start working out extra hard and eating a little healthier as we picture ourselves sipping Piña Coladas pools side. We also promise ourselves that even though we want to enjoy our vacation we will not overindulge and throw away all the hard work we did leading up to tropical sunsets. But how do we enjoy our vacation while also keeping our health & wellness routines while traveling?

Keep reading because I’m sharing some of my favorite products I travel with to ensure I keep my health & wellness routines while traveling.

Do Not Fail to Plan Ahead

It all comes down to preparation. You have to plan to travel with your supplements and all your health & wellness needs so they all fit in your carry-on luggage and you won’t forget.

Collage of all the recommend items for self-care, health & wellness while traveling.

Everything I Pack

I always keep my self-care routines while traveling because it’s important for me to continue to look after my health.

So I like to travel with protein packets and greens so that I can create some healthy breakfast smoothies or afternoon shakes. That way I’m not relying on outside food for every meal. Watch the video above for my smoothie recipe.


Supplements are so important for overall health and in my case include a multivitamin, probiotics, and digestive enzymes for gut health all the supplements I use are listed below.


Of course, our skin takes a beating when we travel so I always pack extra sheet masks and eye patches for extra hydration. Along with my sunscreen and Sun-Kissed by Ora which is a supplement that helps prevent sun damage from the inside out.


I love staying organized so I used a cute vitamin organizer and a weekender makeup bag to keep everything.

Bedtime Tea

I also like to travel with my favorite bedtime tea, Lemon-Ginger with Probiotics, which helps me stay regular after all the delicious foods we eat while traveling.

Staying Active

Aside from all the supplements and skincare for my health & wellness while traveling I also incorporate hikes or workouts while on vacation. A great free resource for workouts you can do inside your hotel room or Airbnb is YouTube and Self.com. Pick a 15-20 min full-body workout you can do with zero weights.

Health & Wellness Routines While Traveling

Self-care routines mean different things to different people. If traveling is a little stressful, I recommend keeping a journal or meditation app available. If you need some help with journaling you can download My 3 Journal Prompts for Beginners here.

Let me know in the comments what are your favorite ways to keep your health & wellness routines while traveling and if you found this list useful.

Sweet Blessings,


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