
Thank you for Giving – An open letter

In the spirit of thanksgiving here’s an open letter to the one I love because if there’s one thing I am grateful for this year is him.

Prayer hands - Thank you for giving-

Dear Love,

Thank you for recognizing that running into me for the third time was no coincidence but a call from destiny. 

Thank you for the countless hours you spent in traffic traveling to see me during the first year of our relationship.

Thank you for being a gentleman for always opening doors and always respecting me.

Thank you for your friendship, the endless nights of conversation filled with tears and laughter.

Thank you for your honesty.

Thank you for the amazing memories we’ve created. I’m looking forward to creating more.

Thank you for the past two years. Remember two down forever to go. 😉

Thank you for being patient, for God knows I am not perfect.

Thank you for looking into my eyes and saying I Love You multiple times a day.

Thank you for completely giving me your heart.

Thank you for not running away when our world got turned upside down.

Thank you for showing me that true love always prevails and unconditional love is real.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

Thank you for always waking me up with a shower of kisses.

Thank you for believing in me and pushing me to be better.

Thank you for believing in my vision and our future.

Thank you for everything that you are, beautiful, kind, thoughtful, caring and most of all loving.

Thank you for becoming the most important person in my life.

Thank you for always making me smile, even when smiling is the last thing I want to do.

But most importantly,

Thank you for being part of My Road To Ever After.



Thank you guys for also joining be on the Road To Ever After via my blog or social channels. Your support means the world to me. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you grateful for this year? Let me know in the comments below…

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