• Women holding up a sign that read I have an Angel Baby-Sharing my missed miscarriage story.
    Lifestyle,  Self-Care

    My Missed Miscarriage Story |what is it, how long it took & how I found out.

    2020 was a challenging year, and then it got harder. Studies say 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I never thought I would be part of the 1 in 4. Honestly, I don’t think anyone imagines they will ever be part of that statistic.

    I didn’t even know about the 1 in 4 until I was faced with my own miscarriage. The reality is when you get pregnant or start trying; you google things like “how to have a healthy pregnancy, which prenatal is best, do’s and don’ts while pregnant.” 

    You don’t search “what happens if I miscarry.” Not until your faced with it yourself, and then a whole new world of information opens up.

    However, no amount of research could’ve prepared me for what happened after I heard the dreaded words “I can’t find a heartbeat.”

    Going through a miscarriage is not only physically painful but mentally and emotionally draining and completely isolating. Add a global pandemic, and you have quite the shit storm.

    I’m sharing my story because it’s part of my healing process. I’m sharing my story because miscarriages are always surrounded by silence. And if opening up about my experience helps just one person not feel alone, then I think it’s worth it.