The Realities of Moving in Together
Today I want to open up the topic of conversation with “The Realities of Moving in Together” Yay!! I’m so excited to talk about this because Drew and I have been living together for a little over 2 years. And I remember when we moved in together a lot of people asked us questions like, what’s it like living together, are you guys tired of each other yet, how do you deal with arguments, how did you decide to move in together and so much more.
My writer’s Journey, Why I started blogging.
Today I want to tell you about my writer’s journey. But first, let me ask you this, Have you ever wanted to write your own story? To share it with the world in a blog (hello Me!) or just for yourself in your journal?
You are the author of your story.
Haven’t you heard that before? You might have even said it to yourself a few times in an attempt to gain courage. Before making the next big decision of your life. I know I have!
How to See Beauty in the Everyday
We all have bad days and sometimes when it seems like nothing is going our way, noticing the beauty that surrounds us can be difficult. Staying positive when sh*** is hitting the fan can be challenging. Life is tough right? But what if I told you can control the way you react to negativity…
Conversations Before Moving In Together
A year ago yesterday Drew and I moved in together for the first time after only dating for a year. I feel blessed to be sharing and building a life with him. And as I reflect on the past year I want to share with you guys the conversations that took place before we signed a lease. In case you currently find yourself contemplating the idea of moving in with your significant other. These are the conversations that need to happen before moving in with your partner in order to have a successful life together.