Lifestyle,  Travels

Red Sox vs Padres Day Trip

Drew & Yaritza wearing Boston Red Sox hats

San Diego adventure with my love and the Boston Red Sox!

Drew and I were all sorts of excited for this day to come for multiple reasons. The Red Sox are my home team and I haven’t seen them play live in over seven years. It was also my first time in San Diego and his first time attending a Boston Red Sox game.

We woke up early that day to start our 2 and a half hour drive down the coast to San Diego and meet up with a group of Northeastern Alumni at a bar named Basic. We had some drinks and pizza there before walking over to Petco Stadium for the game.

Yaritza smiling while standing in front of Petco Stadium

Red Sox Pitcher warming up

We walked by Drew Pomeranz warming up in the bullpen as we searched for our seats. It’s so exciting to see the players up close. The player I was most interested in seeing was “Big Papi” David Ortiz. However, the rumor going around the stadium was that “Big Papi” wasn’t playing that day. I was looking forward to seeing him play because I know he’s retiring after this season is over. So I was sort of bummed out by the rumor that he wasn’t playing. inside Petco Stadium

So here we are at Petco Stadium watching the game and all of sudden it’s the 9th inning the score is 2-1 in favor of San Diego and it’s the last chance the Red Sox have to score with 2 outs on the board. Then out of nowhere Big Papi gets on deck to bat and the crowd goes wild! Everyone shouted “papi, papi, papi,” The energy in the stadium was insane! Papi steps up to the plate and it’s one, two and three strikes and he’s out. Game over…  Unfortunately, he did not bring the game home. It was a little disappointing. I’ve actually never been to a winning Red Sox game it’s one of those things that I would love to experience. I guess I just have to attend more games.

Red Sox Pitcher in Action

I was actually surprised by the amount of Red Sox fans out here in California.  My boyfriend says that us Bostonians are everywhere! On second thought, I do run into a lot of Boston people in L.A so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised haha.

Yaritza walking through the red sox crowd with drinks in her hands.
Michelada for him wine bottle for me.

Drew watching the Red Sox play

Yaritza smiling as she watches the game.

Boston Baseball hat

Even though the Red sox lost the game, it was great to see them play. I’m also happy that I was able to introduce Drew to Red Sox Nation.

After the game, we were super hungry so we went to Little Italy for dinner. I’m going to do a separate post for those pictures so stay tuned.

As always I hope you are having a great day!


Let me know in the comments your thoughts or questions. I would love to hear from you!
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  • Edward Uitendaal

    Hey Road Tea and Drew, I was looking for a hat on the web. I saw this post, and decided to comment, even thought it was years ago. I’m not a Bostonian, but I have been a Red Sox fan since the Sunday between games 3 and 4, so I guess the Sunday of game 4 of the 2004 ALCS, my brother is a Yankees fan since he was 8 (1996) and my dad is a Cards fan, since 1956. My brother kept talking garbage on the Red Sox and how they were “cursed”, I been in the trenches with the Red Sox since that Sunday. I started going to games in 2012 (Yankees @ Red Sox 9-11-2012, Red Sox Win!) the reason I am writing is that I was at that game with you and Drew on Sept, 5th, 2016. I would have been down the 3rd base line closer to home plate. I wish you had seen a winning game. Try going to Angels or even Athletics games, they are AL, and the Red Sox play there every season, since I am guessing y’all live near Long Beach, CA. Try to catch a series, better Udds (odds). Anyways, best of luck, GO RED SOX!

    • myroadtea

      oh wow, we were at the same game, that’s awesome! Yeah, 2004 was epic for the RedSox really can’t forget that season. My husband is more of a Yankees fan but you can’t date a Bostonian and not be influenced by their love for the Redsox lol… Thank you so much for the recommendations I’m gonna look into it. Definitely, need to attend a game that they actually win. That would be an experience. I want to take my husband to a game at Fenway next time I visit home. Thank you so much for your comment I really appreciate it. Let’s Go Red Sox, Let’s Go!

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