• Lifestyle

    Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    Hello TEA Birds,

    Mother’s day is always a reminder that mothers should be celebrated every single day of the year. I mean they did birth you into this world and even if they didn’t actually give birth to you they love you just as much. They probably made you their number one priority for the first 18 years of your life. And for all their love, guidance, and support we shower them with love and affection once a year on Mother’s Day.

  • Lifestyle

    “List 20” A Starter Guide to Attracting the Love of Your Life

    List 20 guide to attracting true love

    Hello T.E.A. birds!

    This is Drew.  Yes, it is I…the man behind the camera. Today I am contributing a guest post about a different method of attracting someone of quality into your life that doesn’t involve an app, swiping left or right, or the internet for that matter. I call it the “List 20.” And I believe in it so much that I credit part of it to attracting the love of my life, Yaritza. 

  • Travels

    Ice Cream Overload at the Musuem of Ice Cream

    Yaritza Jumping for joy at the Museum of Ice Cream

    You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream! I mean seriously who doesn’t love ice cream?! That’s sort of a rhetorical question, but in case you are one of the few who doesn’t like ice cream. I suggest you click away because there’s about to be some serious Ice Cream overload.

    You guys our childhood dreams came true this week when we visited the Museum of Ice Cream! If you are wondering what the heck is a Museum of Ice Cream? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like, it’s a Museum filled with none other than Ice Cream. Some ice cream that you eat and some that you look at, admire and take pretty pictures with. 🙂 

  • Travels

    Connecting to the World via Portals

    Gold Shipping Container for the Portals Projectin

    Imagine walking into a giant Gold Shipping container and being transported to a different part of the world. Sounds cool right?

    Well that’s exactly what the Portals Project is all about. It’s an immersive experience walking into a gold shipping container and instantly being connected to someone who’s located in another country. Drew and I got to participate in this experience last week and it was amazing.

    We connected with individuals our own age in Gaza City, Palestine. Drew and I didn’t know what to expect so we just went in with an open mind. We were both super excited and a little nervous.