looking out into the ocean, Malibu private beach.

My writer’s Journey, Why I started blogging.

Today I want to tell you about my writer’s journey. But first, let me ask you this, Have you ever wanted to write your own story? To share it with the world in a blog (hello Me!) or just for yourself in your journal?

You are the author of your story.

Haven’t you heard that before? You might have even said it to yourself a few times in an attempt to gain courage. Before making the next big decision of your life. I know I have! 

The Beginnings of my Writer’s Journey

I love writing I have stacks of old journals to prove it. The thing about writing is that it’s a very personal form of self-expression. I know a lot of writers will agree with me on this whether they write comic books, novels, short stories, screenplays, etc…
I’ve kept a journal or a diary whatever you want to call it for as long as I can remember. And I have shared my deepest secrets and have poured my heart out on ink and paper. Writing is an intimate process for me, and I feel comfortable writing in my journal because it’s private. No one will ever read those pages.

looking out into the ocean at Malibu beach

And let me just say that I don’t consider myself a good writer, which is one of my struggles when it comes to writing for this blog. However, I am passionate about sharing stories that will inspire you to continue this journey we all call life.

So lately I’ve been struggling because I want to open up more, be more vulnerable with you guys. And share more of those intimate stories that have shaped who I am.

I want to be able to share my struggle and show you guys that despite the adversity, I still believe in the strength of love and the ever-after journey. Honestly, it’s really why I started this blog in the first place. (Hello, Welcome to My Road To.Ever.After!)

beautiful sunset on Malibu Beach

Discovering the Future Possibilities

So while I took a break from being lost in this thought of “how do I share more stories that could potentially inspire others,” I started browsing Airbnb. ( Why? I have no idea…) What I didn’t know was that Airbnb offers experiences now. What! When did this happen? Honestly, if you didn’t know about Airbnb Experiences you should go check it out it’s pretty awesome.

Anyway, so there I am scrolling through the Airbnb website, and one particular experience caught my attention. The title of it: Malibu Writer’s Journey (hmm since I’m trying to figure out my writer’s journey I clicked on it.)
And it continues to say “Create your life narrative with professional story coaches.”
I immediately booked the experience for Drew and me, and we were there the very next day. And I am so glad I got the opportunity to attend and participate. As you can see in the pictures, it’s a beautiful beach location in Malibu.
The coaches Beth and Courtney are absolutely wonderful. And they have cultivated a community of individuals who are all trying to figure out their journey, or how to best tell their stories.

empty beach in Malibu

Writing “My Story”

The experience was emotional; it was inspiring, it was fun, and it was calming. Beth and Courtney are both very welcoming, supportive, and great listeners. They encourage you to share your work but by no means force you to share things you don’t want to.

I loved that they gave us all a personalized script-like journal. (pictured below)
Just seeing “My Story” Written by Yaritza on a script was a powerful way to start the experience.

script-like journal, My story, first draft

Beth and Courtney take you through a series of writing prompts that are designed to help you get in touch with yourself. They help you connect with major life events that are truly the hidden structure of your journey. All while being in the calm presence of the ocean.

Aside from a new-found appreciation for the written word Drew and I both walked away with a greater sense of self. Now I have more clarity in how I want to approach my writing, and this is just the beginning. I hope you guys stick around as I explore the stories I want to share with you all.

couple standing together on beach

If you are in the Los Angeles area and the Malibu Writer’s Journey sounds interesting to you. You should definitely check it out! I one hundred percent recommend it. Even if you are not a writer, you’ll get a chance to explore that part of yourself all while having a relaxing evening in front of the ocean.

Thank you T.E.A Birds for being part of this journey with me and for allowing me to share my stories with you. Let me know in the comments if you guys are excited about this new venture. And let me know how you share your stories. Do you have a blog, do you write music or create art… Whatever it is, link it below in the comments.

Much Hugs,



  • Jessica

    Wow.. this is So interesting! I definitely didn’t know Airbnb offered this and what you walked away from the event sounds like it was money well spent! I definitely consider myself a writer and as my content and I evolve, I’m constantly looking back on how I started it all and how I started and what continues to fuel me (and what doesn’t)… I would definitely love attending an event like this!

    • myroadtea

      Thank you for reading Jessica! I would definitely recommend this event I can’t rave about it enough.
      I definitely feel like it’s easy to get lost in the blogging world. And end up creating content that just doesn’t come from you but it looks like “what a blog is suppose to look like” if that makes sense.
      Def take a look at the Airbnb that I linked above or you can also check out their direct website http://www.writeyourlifeLA.com

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